Information about ships and vehicles
Currently I have no plans to update the posters or create new ones. Maybe … maybe … when Star Citizen was released all the data is final, I’m still alive and feel like it I’ll create new and update old ones.
License and use
You may not use the posters for commercial purposes. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material. If you want to share the poster, please link my website and not the data. Star Citizen and Roberts Space Industries are registered trademarks of Cloud Imperium Games. The copyright of used images and logos has Cloud Imperium Games.
Technical specifications
The format of the posters is uniform ISO 216 A1 (594 x 841mm) plus 3mm trim edge. The pdf print data was created as PDF/X-3:2002 compatible from Acrobat 4. With the color profile ISO Coated v2 300% (ECI). The requirements of printing companies to print data may vary. The print data are adapted to my German needs. I have created a printing guide for you, which should help you to transform my print data into a beautiful poster.